Erica Mena: Son King


By Lucas Theodore

Erica Mena: Son King, Disability, Age, Dad, and With Whom He Lives

In the glittering world of reality TV, few stars shine as brightly as Erica Mena. Known for her fiery personality and stunning looks, Erica has captivated audiences on shows like “Love & Hip Hop.” But behind the cameras and away from the drama, there’s a side to Erica that many don’t see – her role as a devoted mother.

Today, we’re pulling back the curtain on Erica’s life as a mom, focusing on her firstborn son, King Javien Conde. From swirling disability rumors to the complexities of co-parenting, we’re diving deep into the world of Erica Mena’s son King.

Erica Mena: The Birth of a Prince – King Javien’s Arrival

On a crisp March 1, 2007, the entertainment world welcomed a new little star. Erica Mena, barely out of her teens, became a mom for the first time in the bustling heart of New York City. King Javien Conde entered the world, forever changing Erica’s life.

Erica was just 19 years old when she embraced motherhood. Talk about a plot twist! Imagine juggling diapers and baby bottles while your peers are planning college parties. But Erica? She took on this new role with the same fierce determination she brings to everything else.

“Becoming a mom at 19 was scary, but it’s the best thing that ever happened to me,” Erica once shared on her Instagram. “King made me grow up fast, and I’m grateful for that every day.”

King Javien’s Kingdom: How Old is Erica Mena’s Son?

Fast forward to today, and our little prince isn’t so little anymore. King Javien Conde is now a strapping 16-year-old teenager. Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday he was toddling around on “Love & Hip Hop” sets. Growing up in the spotlight isn’t easy, but King’s handled it like a champ. From cute cameos on reality TV to red carpet appearances with his mom, this kid’s been living a life most teens can only dream of.

But don’t think it’s all glitz and glamour. Erica’s made sure King stays grounded. “I want him to have a normal childhood,” she once told a magazine. “Well, as normal as possible when your mom’s on TV!”

Balancing Act: How Erica Mena’s Juggles Career and Motherhood

Erica Mena’s life is a whirlwind of filming schedules, public appearances, and business ventures. But amidst all the chaos, she’s always put King first. It’s a delicate balancing act that she’s perfected over the years. “My schedule can be crazy,” Erica once admitted on a podcast. “But I always make sure I’m there for the important stuff – school plays, parent-teacher conferences, you name it. King knows he’s my priority.”

This dedication hasn’t gone unnoticed. Despite the demands of her career, Erica’s managed to create a stable, loving environment for King. It’s a testament to her strength as a mother and her commitment to her son’s well-being.

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The King Javien’s Origin Story: Erica Mena’s Journey to Motherhood

The King Javien's Origin Story: Erica Mena's Journey to Motherhood

Let’s rewind a bit. Before King, there was young love. Erica Mena and Raul Conde, a member of the hip-hop group Terror Squad, were an item. Their relationship was a whirlwind – passionate, intense, and complicated. When Erica found out she was pregnant at 19, it was a game-changer. Suddenly, this fiery reality TV personality had to think about more than just her next career move. She was about to become responsible for a whole new life.

The pregnancy wasn’t easy. Erica faced morning sickness, criticism from naysayers, and the pressure of the public eye. But like a true queen, she powered through. On that fateful day in March, when she held King for the first time, all the struggles melted away.

Royal Lineage: Who’s King Javien’s Dad?

Now, let’s talk about King’s dad, Raul Conde. A rapper and former member of Terror Squad, Raul brought his own flavor to the parenting mix. The relationship between Erica and Raul was, well, complicated (to put it mildly). Co-parenting had its ups and downs. There were good times when they presented a united front for King, and there were rocky periods when communication broke down. But through it all, both Erica and Raul tried to keep King’s best interests at heart.

Sadly, this story took a heartbreaking turn. Raul passed away, leaving a void in King’s life. It’s a loss that’s undoubtedly shaped King’s journey and brought him closer to his mom. Erica’s been there, helping her son navigate the complex emotions of losing a parent while still a teen.

A Prince’s Palace: Where Does King Javien Live?

Home sweet home for King is with his mom, Erica, in the buzzing metropolis of Atlanta, Georgia. Why Atlanta, you ask? Well, it’s become a hub for reality TV production, making it the perfect spot for Erica to balance her career and motherhood.

Living in the ATL has its perks for a growing prince. There’s a vibrant culture, great schools, and enough celebrity kids around that King doesn’t feel like the odd one out. Plus, it’s got that perfect mix of city excitement and suburban chill. Erica’s created a cozy kingdom for her brood in Atlanta. She’s all about making home a safe haven away from the cameras and chaos of showbiz. “When we’re home, it’s just us,” Erica’s said. “No cameras, no drama – just family time.”

Dispelling Royal Rumors: The Truth About KKing Javien’s Alleged Disability

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – those pesky rumors about King having a disability. The internet can be a breeding ground for gossip, and celebs’ kids often bear the brunt of it. Here’s the deal: Erica’s been crystal clear that these rumors are just that – rumors. She’s fiercely protective of King and hasn’t hesitated to shut down speculation about his health or abilities.

“My son is healthy, happy, and thriving,” Erica stated firmly in a social media post addressing the gossip. “He doesn’t need your sympathy or your speculation. He needs respect and privacy, just like any other kid.”

King Javien’s Court: The Extended Family Dynamic

King Javien's Court: The Extended Family Dynamic

King might’ve started as an only child, but he’s now part of a growing brood. Erica’s gone on to have more children, giving King the role of big brother. And let me tell you, it’s a role he’s taken to like a duck to water. From helping with diaper changes to playing protective big bro, King’s all in on his family duties. It’s heartwarming to see how this blended family has come together, with King at the center, bridging different relationships.

And let’s not forget the grandparents! They’ve been a crucial part of King’s support system, offering love, wisdom, and probably a fair share of spoiling. It takes a village, right?

King Javien’s Relationship with His Siblings

As Erica’s family has grown, so has King’s role within it. He’s now a big brother, a role he’s embraced with enthusiasm. Erica often shares sweet moments of King interacting with his younger siblings, showing a gentle, protective side to the teenager.

“King’s amazing with the little ones,” Erica gushed in a recent interview. “He’s patient, he’s kind – he’s turning into such a wonderful young man.” This blended family dynamic has given King a chance to develop important skills like responsibility and empathy. It’s clear that being a big brother has played a significant role in shaping his character.

The Impact of Social Media on King Javien’sLife

In today’s digital age, growing up as a celebrity’s child means navigating the tricky waters of social media. While King doesn’t have his own public accounts (kudos to Erica for protecting his privacy), he still appears on his mom’s Instagram from time to time.

Instagram: 6.9M followers
Facebook: 9.5k followers

These glimpses into King’s life have made him a subject of public interest. Fans of Erica often comment on how much he’s grown or how he looks like his mom. It’s a unique kind of fame – being known, but not for anything you’ve done yourself. Erica’s been careful about what she shares online. “I want King to have control over his own image when he’s old enough,” she explained in a recent interview. “For now, I’m the gatekeeper, making sure what’s out there is positive and respectful.”

The Legacy of Raul Conde: King Javien’s Connection to His Father

The loss of his father, Raul Conde, has undoubtedly had a profound impact on King’s life. While Raul and Erica’s relationship had its complications, Raul was still a presence in King’s early years. Erica’s been open about wanting to keep Raul’s memory alive for King. “I tell him stories about his dad,” she shared in a heartfelt social media post. “I want King to know where he comes from, to understand that part of his heritage.”

This connection to his father’s legacy adds another layer to King’s identity. He’s not just Erica Mena’s son – he’s also Raul Conde’s boy, carrying on a musical legacy that stretches back to the early days of Terror Squad.

The Future Looks Bright for King Javien Conde

The Future Looks Bright for King Javien Conde

As King Javien Conde continues to grow and mature, the future looks bright for Erica Mena’s firstborn. With a strong support system, a mother who fiercely advocates for him, and siblings who adore him, King has all the ingredients for a successful and happy life.

While we don’t know what career path King might choose, or whether he’ll follow in his mother’s entertainment industry footsteps, one thing is clear – he’ll have Erica’s unwavering support. She’s repeatedly stated that her main goal is for her children to be happy and healthy, whatever that might look like for them.

As fans, we can only watch from afar as King’s story unfolds. But if Erica Mena’s journey is anything to go by, we’re sure that King Javien Conde’s tale will be one of resilience, strength, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her son.


Who is Erica Mena’s first son? 

Erica Mena’s first son is King Javien Conde. He was born on March 1, 2007. King is Erica’s eldest child.

How old is Erica Mena’s son, King Javien Conde? 

King Javien Conde is 16 years old. He was born in 2007. King is now a teenager.

Does Erica Mena’s son have a disability? 

No, Erica Mena’s son does not have a disability. Erica has denied these rumors. She states that King is healthy and thriving.

Who is Erica Mena with now? 

As of my last update, Erica Mena is not publicly in a relationship. She was previously married to Safaree Samuels. They divorced in 2022.

Where is Erica Mena nationality? 

Erica Mena is American. She was born in the Bronx, New York. Erica has Puerto Rican and Dominican heritage.

Final Words

Well, folks, we’ve taken quite a journey through the life of Erica Mena’s son, King Javien Conde. This 16-year-old prince of reality TV has certainly had an interesting ride so far! Born to a young Erica in New York City, King’s grown up in the spotlight but seems to be handling it like a champ.

Despite those pesky disability rumors (which Erica shut down real quick), King’s thriving. He’s living it up in Atlanta with his mom and siblings, balancing school, family life, and the occasional TV appearance. While we don’t know what the future holds for King, one thing’s for sure – with Erica’s fierce love and support, this kid’s got a bright path ahead. Keep your eyes peeled, folks – something tells me we’ll be seeing more of King Javien Conde!

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